How to MAINTAIN focus while STUDYING

During this pandemic whole world is affected economically and many people lost their jobs. The education of children is also affected a lot. Many students are unable to concentrate on their studies.

As a student what I observed is that we are unable to focus while studying, so I thought to give some tips on how to focus while studying:
These are the things that are known to almost everyone But, also are ignored very often.

1. Plan Daily not Monthly:

How to focus while studying

As they say "A Goal without a plan is just a wish".

Planning is very much essential before starting anything and is very much needed for a student. when the word planning is said it doesn't mean you will plan for your whole month, and what to do on a particular date. Have rough monthly planning. like, set a target to complete this part of the book before the end of the month. But, its execution has to be made daily.... after waking up, think about what you will study and cover today. and make sure you should increase your level of working from the previous day... study more than the previous day.... plan your day efficiently and make sure these plannings are made based on your capability. you should able to achieve the target you have set for the day.

2. Find the best Place:

How to focus While studying

After discussing planning this takes us to the next question, How to execute my daily plan??  The first thing while executing is that find the place in your home where you feel there will be nothing to disturb you, try to sit everywhere in your home and find the place(s) where you feel more positive vibrations. and make that your study place. find one other alternative place also to sit if you feel bored to sit at the same place.  


3. Avoid Distractions:

How to focus while studying

The main problem while studying is distractions. distractions can be of many types first as said above find the place where there are no one and nothing to disturb. and next major distraction during this online class period is your SMARTPHONE and SOCIAL MEDIA in it. while studying turn off the apps and social media platforms that distract you. Be true to yourself, promise yourself that you will not open those files and apps till you take a break from studying.

4. Pomodoro Technique:

How to focus while studying

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Fransecsco Cirillo in the late 1980s. This technique is basically dependent on Breaking work into intervals. It also gave effective results to focus on something. In this technique person can work(we are concerned about studying) from 25 min to 50 min and next take a break from 5min to 20 min. In the break time, a person can eat some healthy food and do some walk or talk with someone. But in the break, make sure subconsciously you are revising the topic.. just eat or do something in the break time. But also subconsciously think about the topic. no need to focus more just slightly think about your readers. you can download some Pomodoro apps from the play store which can help you in breaking down these time intervals.

5. Make studying a Habit:

How to focus while studying

Make studying your habit. Initially, you might feel difficult to study for long hours But, have dedication and take interest in studying. for example, You might have addicted to some game.. did that happen instantaneously?? you took interest in the game and played regularly so you got addicted or to say habituated that game. In the same way, take interest in studying and enjoy what you are studying. Automatically You will Habituate studying.

6. You are what You "EAT":
How to focus while studying

As they say, YOU are what you EAT.
Stop! please stop eating Junk Food. What will you get by eating Junk food?? Just for taste Do you want to Harm your own body? eat healthy foods like leafy vegetables and keep yourself healthy. At the end of the day if you are only not healthy what success you will experience?? stay healthy and it will help you to concentrate and focus more on what you are studying. Also eating healthy foods will help you to avoid Procrastination.

7. Be Positive:
How to focus while studying

"Stay Positive even when it feels like everything is FALLING APART."
What will happen by thinking about something negatively?? Will the situation change? or will the problem be solved? Think Positive, this is will give you the confidence to move ahead, you will try to solve the problem, and motivates you to go against a situation and bring change in it... if you think I can't, it won't, no it can't happen then things will be like that only. think positively if you can't believe in what you are doing how do you think others will find good in it?? Eating healthy foods will also help you to stay positive.

8. Avoid Procrastination:

"The act of ruining your life for no apparent reason."
Discussing all the above things brings us to the topic of Procrastination. Procrastination means Act of delaying or postponing things. As a student, you should never postpone things. When we postpone some topic to the next day or delay the topic we are directly giving a hint to our brain that the topic is hard. you might have experienced that after postponing a Topic several times and later, if you truly want to read that topic also, you feel not interested that is because your brain has already started feeling that topic is difficult. so to be perfect in executing your plan first stop procrastinating... Have determination then you will automatically complete targets in time. As said above eat healthy foods to avoid procrastination.

So students study Happily and enjoy what they are reading. If you study feeling it as Hard it will be Hard. Take interest and study. study for knowledge not for Grades

Happy reading............

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  1. Hmm nice article dude 🙋🙋🙋😊😊

  2. Hi Pavan great initiative. Looks professional. KIU

  3. good article pavan i can learn a lot from it

  4. You have become a professional blogger. Congrats. It is beautiful to say the least.

  5. Please give some more blogs about this topic bro

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  6. Very good pavan... keep it up...good initiative my dear child... keep on doing like this...let others get idea and follow in their life...


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