Does Coding Require Math? What to do Next, If you are Not Good at Math?


What Exactly are you Asking?

Does Programming require Math? Do I need to know Math to learn to code? I would say all these questions are not complete. And are not the exact Questions that a Person wants to ask. All these questions point us to "Do I need to know Complex Math to code?"

The answer to the Question that Do you need Maths for Programming is YES. But answer to the more Relevant question that Do you need to know very Hard-level Maths for Programming is, Not Necessarily. Got Confused? Let me clear your confusion.

You Just need Basic Arithmetic.


Just to start learning How to code, You need to know only Basic Arithmetic. when I say Basic Arithmetic, I mean you should be knowing how to do Basic Arithematic operations,
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
Most of Programming Just Requires Basic Arithmetic. You can learn to code if you know the basic arithmetic

The paradox of Misconception:

If Basic arithmetics is the only thing required for programming, why do you think everyone gives too much attention to Math in the world of Programming? Is it a Myth? Is it a Misconception?


The Answer is actually a paradox that it is yes it is a Misconception and on the other hand, It is not a Misconception.
No, Don't Look at me like that. Let's try to understand this in Depth.

Programming is like a Garden.

If Programming is considered a garden, its different fields would be the different types of trees in that garden. As Every other tree in a garden requires different
amounts of nutrients, Similarly, Different types of fields of Programming requires different Level of Math. Makes sense? I hope so.

Now, ask yourself what you really want to do with programming? If you want to do something like Web development and App development. In these fields, you rarely use Maths anywhere. you will not even feel like you are using Mathematics in your code. You Just need simple Arithmetics to start Learning these skills. 

But if you are among those people who want to learn cutting-edge fields of Programming, like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning where you analyze existing Algorithms, create new Algorithms, then you Obviously need those Higher standards of Mathematics here. If you are one among those choosing these cutting-edge fields, then you also must be the person who is not worried about Math.


But instead of going so Deep into these cutting-edge fields, If you are just working on their Applications, then, you will be using Maths just as a helping tool. You will be using Maths as you are using a calculator, without knowing the Process going Inside it.

Now I hope, You got your Answer to your Question. The answer is, It depends upon what you want to do with Programming.

What to do if you are not good at Math?

First of all, Ideally, You should not be scared of Mathematics at all. If you put in hard work in the right direction then you will get away with the Math phobia. Generally, one is scared of Mathematics just because he never attempted to Face it. while learning how to ride a bike, Initially, you might have had some fear, But Eventually, when you continuously practiced and faced it as a challenge, you were able to learn it. Similarly, You can Learn Mathematics too. 


Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

Fixed Mindset is the thought process of a person which is based on the idea that things are the way they are and nothing can be done to change them. Statements that come from people having a Fixed Mindset will be like:
  1. I Got this Job Because it's the only one I can Get.
  2. I wish I had as much talent as that Person.
  3. I happen to not be good at Mathematics.
If you are a person who thinks like this, then please change, because, you are limiting your capabilities.

Growth Mindset Essentially means that believing in the idea that we can change things, anything is not the way it is, and it can be impacted by us. if we take a look at those statements again, but from a growth mindset perspective, they would look like this:
  1. I Got this Job due to a lack of effort, If I put in the effort I can definitely get a better job.
  2. If I work as hard as that person, then I would be also as good as him or better than him.
  3. If I work towards it, then there is no reason to not become amazing at Math.
A growth mindset is having a positive mindset to an extent to believe that one can do anything if they just keep Efforts towards it.

Don't Blame Genetics.

If you are one of those people who believe that you were born without the innate ability to understand Mathematics, Please stop it. Understand that nothing is acquired Genetically.
If you are bad at math, it doesn't mean you are genetically incapable of learning it. It is because of many other Factors than your Genetic Potential.


It doesn't depend on Genetics at all! Anyone Can Learn Anything. If someone is bad at something, they start to satisfy themselves with statements like I am not good at it, I didn't study hard enough, I didn't have a Good teacher, It is because of my circumstances, etc. It is Blaming Anything but self.

Yeah! somethings do depend on Genetics, but all of them are Physical. Like your Height. Genetics can only affect and decide your physical Appearance, and to an extent, your Physical Capabilities. People generally emphasize more on Genetics rather than emphasizing Efforts. "It takes 20 hours to learn a new skill and 10000 hours to master it" so understand that it is not at all dependent on Genetics.

What could have been the Reasons?


Many people have experienced this. when they were younger they felt that they are genetically designed to be bad at math. It is because that they had a friend who was twice as good as him. "Even though both were of the same age". but the reality is likely that,
  1. That friend Either had Parents who are really good at math or
  2. The teacher had explained the math in a way that fits in mind for that friend but not him.
  3. or both
Basically, the Circumstances made it that your friend had an advantage over you when it comes to mathematics. If your roles were to be reversed, then you would have had the same advantage and would have been twice as good as your friend was.

So now You must Have understood that you are not genetically bad at Math.

Believe, Research, Practise, and Consistency.


Everyone has to get out of the belief that maths is hard. Maybe you are having many circumstances, many disadvantages, and anything. But, IF THEY CAN DO IT SO YOU TOO CAN!

Nowadays, the problem of not understanding the way your teacher explains is something that can be bypassed. Google the concept you are not understanding, there are 1000's teachers available, explaining in a thousand different ways. Hopefully, one among them can explain you.

Consistently putting in a small amount of effort, Overtime, will yield Crazy results. when you are learning how to type, Initially it really feels like what the Heck! but consistently practicing it daily for about 15 minutes, you would see a huge difference within a month. You go to a gym and do some reps for a year, you won't see a change within a week, maybe tiny in a month, but after a year you would see a huge difference. This Idea can be applied to anything.


Do a little bit of math every single day, start with math you can handle, and gradually build it harder and harder. Over time, you will notice that you have improved Amazingly. that's why I am saying that Maths is not hard, just practice it consistently and a little bit of effort daily and consistently, will yield you great results.

The Conclusion.


You probably know all the Math you need to know to learn Programming. If you want to go into a computer science degree and make Cutting edge fields of programming your career, then of course you will need to learn some more Maths. But you will be able to learn it! and the type of math you will be learning will be way more interesting than the math you have learned before. because you will see how it is used in Programming. and you will be learning how to apply Maths in fields like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep learning, etc. which are by default interesting by themselves. with all that said above, you will be able to Learn it!

I Hope, You got More Confident about your Math. and I am Pretty Sure that you will deal with it.

Keep Learning.
Take Care.

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  1. Thanks for the information buddy

  2. Good one Pavan....I would like to highlight the point that ''With basic knowledge of Mathematics(+,-,*,/,**) u can do only basic programing stuff which will obviously not make u a good programmer and eventually which will not take u to a good position as a programmer ''. So if u really want to be a good programmer in your life, u should really treat Mathematics as a friend and your motivation at the end does that.
    Keep posting man.....And all the best for ur computer science future.....

    1. That's why everywhere I mentioned to learn programming, but to go to next level you need some more maths. And one can learn it. Because Maths is not Hard.

      I hope you got it 😁

  3. Considerable blog. Great information.Hope you do much more interesting blogs, Pavan. Best of luck.

  4. Wow bro ....Now I'll also learn programming... inspired bro

  5. Well done Bhai👍
    Although I have not studied whole but whatever I read I understood it all. Best of Efforts 😊


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